How can you enhance team collaboration? OneNote can help. Use it as a hub to organize important notes during business meetings.
Tales From The Keep - April 2022 View online
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Your Monthly Dose of Tech & Business News


The year seems to be flying by and we've already finished the first quarter. Where does the time go?

A big part of the first quarter usually involves planning out the year and setting the company goals and projects for the next quarter. For many, that time has come and gone, but who says that you can't start planning at the beginning of the second quarter?

Do you do business planning? If not, here's 2 x business planning and operating frameworks that you might want to consider: EOS/Traction by Gino Wickman and Gazelles / Rockefeller Habits by Verne Harnish. 

They help you through the process of building a very basic 1-2 page business plan and break it down into tangible goals to help you and your team keep on the same path. 

So don't feel bad if you didn't start sooner, the important part is taking that first step. And hey, if you already do business planning or use EOS or Rockefeller Habits, kudos to you!

That reminds me, we should talk about a Technology Business Review if we haven't already, that way we can help you plan the part of your business that we can best help with. 

Calls us at 519.489.0646 or email us at to schedule a Technology Business Review so that we can help you plan for technological success.

Until then, stay safe,

You MATTER, Unless you multiply as the speed of light.  Then you ENERGY

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The Firefox logo isn't a fox, It's actually a red panda!

Dragon Tip
Tech Tips By Cloud


If you’ve ever been on a Teams call with more than one person, you’ve probably noticed that it can be difficult to focus on the main speaker.

Teams has two tools that can help with this, the Pin and Spotlight features.

How to Pin a participant in a Teams Meeting (remember, this will only affect your view)

1. While in the Teams meeting, use the meeting controls in the top bar and click or tap Show Participants.

2. In the Participants pane, click or tap the three-dots icon on the top left of the participant you wish to Pin. This will  open a drop- down menu.

3. From the drop-down menu, select Pin and the pinned participant becomes the focus in your view (and only your view) regardless of the speaker.

4. To unpin, repeat steps above and select Unpin.

How to Spotlight a participant in a Teams Meeting (this will affect everyone’s view)

The easiest way to do it is to right-click on the person’s video itself and select Spotlight from the menu. Alternatively, you can follow the steps below.

1. Select Show participants to see a list of everyone in the meeting.

2. Find the name of the person whose video you want to highlight in the list, right-click on their name, and select Spotlight. 

3. When you’re ready to end the spotlight, right-click again and choose Stop spotlighting.

To Spotlight your own video on Teams, you follow the same steps above, and right-click on your name and select “Spotlight me.” Right-click again and choose Stop spotlighting to exit.

Use these tips to help you get more out of our Microsoft Teams meetings!

Until next time, have an awesome month!


Why was the mobile phone wearing glasses?

Because it lost its contacts.

What My Kids’ Roblox Addiction Taught Me About the Metaverse

While the conceptualized metaverse is still years away, virtual universes already exist in the form of online games. And while business leaders continue to speculate about the metaverse, our kids are already living, socializing, and purchasing within it. Learn 3 key items about the metaverse and what it means for business.


Stop Tracking Your Loved Ones

With texting, monitoring, and tracking services available at all times, most of us are living in a constant state of anxiety. In a world where parents can monitor their kid’s every move, experts are questioning whether it’s healthy to be this connected. Learn more about how to regain control.


Leading an Exhausted Workforce

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Is That Wordle Clone App Tracking You?

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